Monthly Archives: October 2015

Learn and play new sports.

When I first got into this fitness game, the world was changing.

At that time, the world was separated into two camps for recreational athletes one being bodybuilders or “bros,” those athletes who hit chest/tri’s on Monday, and back and bi’s on Tuesday.  The other camp was composed of sport specific athletes: marathoners who only ran until there knees shattered, recreational baseball players who drank beer and ran hard to first, cyclists who spent more time weighing their bike parts then riding… you get the idea.  Either you were into fitness for the sport, or for aesthetics, not both.  Continue reading

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Appalachian Trail Extra Credit.

When I was planning my trip on the AT, I scoured the internet for information, resources, and advice.  The information out there was spotty and mostly based on how the AT made them feel.  Those of you who know me well, know that this is not really my style.  I wanted to know about the physical challenges, preparation, etc., but was left somewhat lacking.  Part of that is why I decided to start this blog.  Recently, I received my first real question from a future AT thruhiker!  Continue reading

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Since returning from the Appalachian Trail I have been asked the same 2 questions over and over again.  “Did you see any bears?” and probably most frequently, “Why did you do that in the first place?”

First off, yes I saw bears, about 6 in total, mostly in New Jersey.

Secondly, to answer the question of why is to ask a much deeper question. A question that has been asked lots of times, by both curious toddlers and Freshman philosophy students, and that sometimes, there is just no answer to.


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You don’t choose your passions.

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