Monthly Archives: February 2016

Bringin’ meal time back.

Bringing meal time back(2)

For years, we have heard that America has a growing obesity epidemic.  People blame all kinds of things: Processed foods. Genetics. Sugar. Exercise (or lack there of)… the list goes on and on.

The reality is that there are many of factors involved, and all contribute to the obesity epidemic in a variety of ways.  However, there is topic that I haven’t really heard people talk about, which I think, deserves to be at least a small part of the conversation:  the loss of the family meal time.

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Build your bucket: the importance of a proper foundation

I’m a story teller. Plain and simple. I think it comes from 2 places.  First, as a child my grandparents always told me “tall tales.”  Second, my father (who was an Air Force navigator instructor) always explained things in really long winded convoluted metaphors.  In the spirit of me becoming a dad myself, here is a long winded metaphor to describe a seemly easy topic.

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The Secret Diet Struggle of a CrossFit Coach

You got me. I finally caved. 2 years of blogging. Over 50 posts, and precisely ZERO have been about diet.  Diet is SO important, but it’s also very tough to tackle, especially for me.  Why? I suffer from what I like to call “Kitchen Laziness Disorder.”  Let me explain. Continue reading