Interview with a Legend.

Crossfit as both a sport and an institution is only about 15 years old. In that short time, it has grown and changed in ways that people never expected. Let me tell you a story (because I know you all love my stories).

I recently had to go to my 5 year re-certification for my CrossFit Level 1 trainer certificate.

At this class was a familiar face:


Your author trying to make the trademark Pat barber face.


Here’s why that was  literally so amazing to me:

In 2010, I received my CrossFit Level 1 Trainer in Novato, CA. I was still active duty and wasn’t sure what I wanted to be when I grew up. (Some may say I’m still not sure… but that’s another story.  See my posts on my upcoming AT thru hike.)

At my Level 1, I first met Pat Barber. At that time, there were not all  that many CrossFit “celebrities,” there were a few names you recognized from the games and some YouTube videos.

But I knew who Pat Barber was. I had seen him at the  2009 Games and other events in Northern California and knew of his badassery.

Fast-forward to 2015.

My level 1 was going to expire and with all the Appalachian Trail shenanigans I haven’t had time to get to a level 2 ( I plan to go this fall).

At my level 1 re-certification, I walk in and see none other than Pat Barber.  Luckily, I had a chance to sit down talk to the legend himself and catch up on the last 5 years.

He’s opened CrossFit gyms all over the world, Worked for the Crossfit HQ staff and currently runs  Nor-cal CrossFit with Jason Khalipa.

I told him I write a blog and asked if I emailed him some questions, if he wanted to do a email interview, “Yeah bro!”

I want to thank Pat for talking to me and answering all my fan mail. If my readers are ever in Northern California swing by Nor-Cal Crossfit (if that’s not possible buy a shirt from their awesome online store and then just tell people you went there, that’s my plan anyway).

So here you go:

· What is the best thing to happen to Crossfit in the last 5 years?

“I would say there really is no one greatest thing. I think one of my favorite things is the continued growth and attention that the CrossFit games gets. This in turn brings a ton of new people into CrossFit gyms that would never have known about it.”
· What’s the worst thing to happen to CrossFit in last 5 years?
“Massive Massive egos. With the popularity of the games came popularity of people and man has it created some massive egos. ”
·  Biggest difference in living in Santa Clara and New Zealand?
“I don’t live in Santa Clara, I live in Santa Cruz but I work in Santa Clara. The biggest diff between the two places is probably the sheer volume of people in the bay area. There are so many people and so much happening compared to living in New Zealand.” 
·  You see a bear and Jason Khalipa fighting on the side of the road. Do you help Jason or  Does the bear need the help?
“Not sure how Jason would do in an actual fight… However, if they were about to go head to head in 5 CrossFit events then I would not want to be that bear. ”
(That’s right folks you heard it here first. Pat Barber wants to train a  wild bear to out-work Jason Khalipa)
· How do you balance having a baby, running a gym, training for the games, being a CrossFit headquarters staff and being a huge badass?
“Ha! Well I try to keep close the things that are most important to me and my well being which would be family first.  From there, I just put in the time where I have it. Usually focusing on work first and then training when I have free time. There are more hours in a day then most people think.” 
· Since you have been growing a beard since before it was cool, how do you feel now that everyone has one?
“It’s pretty funny. I started growing one when I could because I look like I’m 12 without it but now everyone has one and all of a sudden I’m cool. I’m sure the fad will swing again and I’ll be just another bearded weirdo.”
· What is the one thing that every CrossFitter could do to take them to the next level?
“Be patient with progress and smart about training. I think following a good GPP (General Physical Preparedness) for a 3 month period and re-assessing weaknesses after that could do tons of athletes good.”
· In your 10 plus years of CrossFit, what is the most important lesson you have learned?
“People are different and train for different reasons. This also means people will push for different reasons. For example, I hate training, going to the gym to be by myself and push through a workout to get “better” is incredibly mentally taxing and not for me. Some people love that though. I however love people, community, and competition so if I meet 3 of my bros at the gym and throwdown and hang out and talk shit and happen to lift heavy stuff and then compete in a metcon game in the end I am all about that. Find what drives yourself and training becomes a whole lot more effective.”
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